Attention: If you (or someone you know) are wanting to get healthier and in better shape but just don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place!
Attention: If you (or someone you know) are wanting to get healthier and in better shape but just don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place!
Are You Over 50 Years Old?
Are You Looking To Get In Better Shape?
Are You Not Wanting To Spend
Hours In The Gym?
Are You Over 50 Years Old?
Are You Looking To Get In Better Shape?
Are You Not Wanting To Spend
Hours In The Gym?
If you're just wanting to Look Better, Feel Better, and Lose a Bit of Weight, you've come to the right place. In the next 3 minutes of reading this page, you'll know without a doubt if getting this information will inspire you to be healthier or just keep doing what you've been doing. I can confidently say this because of what you'll get....
- Knowledge: To get in better shape by helping you understand different aspects of your health and fitness, especially after the age of 50.
- Audio and Video: You'll be able to hear and watch people who are trained to give you the best advise possible AND walk you through exercises to shape your body the way you would like!
- Answers: To practically any question you may have, or have ever had, about health and fitness through 47 interviews (and counting) by people who are tops in their field!
I've been where you've been. I know it's hard to admit you aren't in the kind of physical shape you want to be in, and I know it's hard to admit you may not know what to do about it. After all, you may have been an athlete in high school or college, right?
Well, a little later I'm going to tell you about what you can do to improve your health, but right now I'm going to tell you about what made this website happen.
Like every other Personal Trainer, I offered my services all around my town. I told people if they trained with me, they would have that beach body they dreamed of, develop that 6 pack abs you see on TV, and be in the best shape they've ever been in.
Then something happened, I got older and the people I was talk to about training were getting older. I soon realized that most older people didn't want to spend 2-3 hours a day in the gym. Most people, as nice as it is, didn't have the time or the gumption to develop that 6-pack or that beach body.
I started hearing phrases like:
“I don't have as much time as I used to for a workout.”
“Why do I want to set a bench press record?”
Ever been in that position?
Then it hit me. All those trainers at the gym, all those TV ads you see had one thing in common, they all had the idea that everyone wanted to be a bikini model, or that James Bond dude coming out of the ocean in swim trunks.
But, did they really? Oh sure, EVERYONE would LIKE it, but not everyone had the drive and desire to do it.
After talking with several people over the age of 45-50, I started hearing the same thoughts and concerns over and over.
“I just want to feel good about myself”
“My doctor said I needed to do some exercise.”
“I'm not 25 years old anymore, I just don't have the desire to workout like I once did”
So, if those concerns were being brought up more often than not, why would any Personal Trainer keep training someone like they were 25 years old? Why would a Trainer want their clients to always spend that much time in the gym? Why do workouts have to be 1-3 hours long?
Then it hit me, and I looked at my life.
If I was over 50 years old, do I live the same way as when I was 25 years old? Do I drive the same car? Do I live in the same house? Do I have the same career? Is my family the same? Am I making the same income now as I did then?
For me, nope.
My life Was Completely Different at Age 50 Than at Age 25.
So, If All Aspects of My Life Were Different,
Why Did I Think I Should Look at My
Health and Fitness as If I Were 25 Years Old?
As I looked around at different Personal Trainers, most of them were acting as if everyone they trained wanted to workout like they did when they were 25 years old, not 50 years old.
Now granted, there is nothing wrong with working out or training like a 25 year old, especially if you want to show off your body on a stage somewhere. I commend and respect people who do that, and I'll be the first to cheer them on!
BUT, and this is something YOU have to think about....
Is that something you are striving to obtain? In your current situation, is that a goal for you? I ask this because in my profession, I haven't ran into many 50 year olds who want to get on a stage to show off their body. They mainly want to get healthier and feel better about themselves.
Is this making sense? Think about this and ask yourself if this is your thought process as well.
So I set out to do something that would:
- 1) Answer any questions about health and fitness people may have, regardless of age, fitness level or health issues.
- 2) Give people the options to do simple exercises and workouts, in their own home if they would like, and not take hours a day to complete.
- 3) Keep things as simple, understandable, and as inexpensive as possible.
I’m telling you this because I want you to know I’ve-been-where-you’ve-been and I’ve-thought-your-same-thoughts.
I Have Talked to a Lot Of People Over 50, Just Like You,
On How to be Healthier and in Better Shape,
By Doing Simple Stuff...the RIGHT WAY.
I’ve spent hours talking to them, understanding what they really wanted to do with their health and fitness, and putting together something that is informative, simple and affordable.
So that was the key, keeping it simple enough for the “over 50” person who has never worked out and still challenging enough for the “former” hard core athlete.
But then I thought, who else can I talk to about doing this? It hit me! I used to interview health and fitness professionals from literally all over the world. The information these folks provided was priceless!
So, I remastered these interviews (47 of them) and made them all available in one place.
Then I thought, how could I teach and demonstrate basic exercises, without the aid of gym equipment, to folks who want to do them. Duh!!!!... VIDEOS! Heck, I've been working out at home for YEARS and I've been talking and writing about it. Time to demonstrate it as well!
Since I already had the website Top Fitness Strategies where I offer online services, why not concentrate on providing TONS of content for people who want it all in one place. So, the TFS Fitness Insider Program was born!
Here's what's in the TFS Fitness Insider Program :
1) Downloadable podcast interviews from just about any health and fitness subject you can think of.
2) Dozens of “how to” exercise videos so you know how to workout at home.
3) Continual updates of information and demonstrations.
All it takes from you is a little effort, a little time, and a desire to get healthier.
I truly believe you have the desire to get healthier, or you wouldn't still be reading this. I also believe that “not having the time to be healthier” is just an excuse because if you have the desire, finding the time is actually pretty easy.
Which leaves only one thing.....EFFORT!
Let me ask you this…You’ve come to this page for a reason, right? You’ve come here to learn how look better, feel better and lose a little weight, right? Will you? Will you put forth the effort to do so?
I can hear it now, “I’ve already looked into doing workouts. I've used a personal trainer, I have a gym membership, I've tried the latest diets and workout fads, nothing seems to work.”
I’ll tell you why things may not have worked before, because you’ve never had it presented to you in an easy to understand way. People tend to complicate things in the fitness world, and things don't have to be!
It’s as Simple as Throwing a Baseball.
I used this analogy once when I was doing a training session and it made perfect sense, so I’ll use it here as well.
Remember the movie “Bull Durham”? The part where the coach got really mad at the players and started yelling at them: “This is a simple game…you throw the ball; you catch the ball and you hit the ball!”
What he was saying is to keep things simple and remember the basics.
Being a TFS Fitness Insider will keep this simple for you. Just catch the ball, throw the ball and hit the ball. That’s it! Does that make sense?
If you don’t keep this health and fitness stuff simple, you'll never keep doing it!
If you don’t catch the ball, you’ll never turn a double play. Get it?
Here's an example of how simple I make things for you. Here's a sample video of what's inside:
This information is not just from me, it's years of experience from some of the top health and fitness folks from around the world. It’s all right here waiting for you to take it, play with it and develop it in your own way.
This Isn't About Fancy New Diets.
This Isn't About The Lastest 3 Minute Flat Stomach Gizmo.
It’s about simple, understandable steps you can take to get your health back to a place where you'll be happy with yourself again!
So, if you’re like dozens of others I've talked to, all you're looking for is something you can do on your own, in your own way, in your own time.
You can hire the best personal trainer in the country. You can buy the best high tech workout machine out there. You can download the most awesome motivational speaker's seminar. You can get on the latest diet craze. But.....
No matter how good that trainer is, no matter how high tech that machine is, no matter how good that speaker makes you feel, no matter what you eat for that diet, when the dust clears, what has to happen? You have to put in the EFFORT! You have to DO IT!
Have you ever heard that saying, “When is the best time to plant a tree? 10 years ago! When is the second best time to plant a tree, TODAY!”
Ten Years Ago Has Passed,
Today Is The Next Best Time To Do
Something For Yourself
Oh yes, I can hear it now, “Andrew, how much is all this stuff going to cost me?”
Let’s put this into a financial perspective, shall we?
You can go to a personal trainer, do 1-3 sessions a week with that trainer, and then sign up for more sessions. Most trainers I know charge a MINIMUM $50/hour. So, 3 sessions a week is $150.00. That’s $600.00 a month!
Oh, but you’re trainer gives you a break, you get the “buy one get one free” training plan. Great, so you’re only paying $300.00 a month. Whoop Whoop!
But wait, you live in a small town where trainers don’t charge as much, you only have to pay $150.00 a month for that ONE trainer! Good for you!
Oh, what about that gym membership? The gyms around my town cost $30/month, which does NOT come with a personal trainer.
Can you hire me to come train you? Oh sure, I can come to you, no problem. You’ll just have to pay for my flight, room, meals and time. Which I’ll be happy to do for you. But you can also invest to be a TFS Fitness Insider and get me and a whole bunch of others, virtually teaching and training you in the comfort of your own home for a fraction of that cost….$10 a month!
What! Are you kidding me! That’s it! Only $10 a month?
If that price is making you hesitate, then you may need this more than ever!
Think about it, for the price of two moca-loca-freddo-cheddo coffees (oh, and don’t forget the extra-grande-mande size), you’ll be virtually trained by some of the best health and fitness pros on the planet!
Heck, if you really think about it, you have to pay about $10 for most burgers fries and a drink (diet of course), right? Could you skip that meal one time a month to work on your health and fitness?
Is that worth $10 a month? Only you can decide.
So tell me, where in the world can you get this? Nowhere that I know of. Wait, I take that back, you can get it right here!
One thing I will promise, after reading this you can NO LONGER say you don't know how to get healthier. You can NO LONGER say you don't have the time to get healthier. You can NO LONGER say you can't afford a trainer or a gym membership. You'll be lieing to yourself (and possibly your family) if you did say anything like that.
Go ahead and go for it, I give you permission to do so.
So, let's recap what you'll get by being a TFS Fitness Insider:
- 47(and counting)downloadable, mp3 file interviews by health and fitness professionals on weight loss, muscle building, healthy eating, strength, fibromyalgia, diets, muscle toning, body shaping, mindset and much more!
- 50 (and counting) videos demonstrating “can do at home or away” exercises and workouts.
- Access to your very own VPT (Virtual Personal Trainer)
- Plus more stuff being added every month.
AS A BONUS, I'll give you an interview I did with a leader in nutrition and raw food world. This interview is selling for $23 on Top Fitness Strategies, but you'll get it FREE!
BONUS #2: A PDF download titled “Basic Exercises to Get You Started”. If you want a basic-you-can-do-right-now workout to follow, this is it!
BONUS #3: A complimentary 15 minute consultation with me! (a $50 value)
I’m so convinced that being a TFS Fitness Insider will benefit your health and fitness, there is NO CONTRACT! That’s right, most trainers make you commit to a 10 session contract with them, whether you like them or not, whether you benefit or not or whether you do it or not.
Not me, not at Top Fitness Strategies.
If, after one month, you don’t get your fill from all 47 (and counting) interviews, from the 50 (and counting) exercise videos, from the motivational support, you can cancel and no questions asked.
You think that’s worth the $10? Is it worth the extra frothy-dothy-coffee? Is it worth the burger, fries and drink (diet of course) lunch? Only you can decide.
I'll even do you one BETTER! Get it NOW and I'll GIVE you 2 FREE MONTHS, if you get the yearly payment option for $97! Click which option you would like below.
I’ll be waiting for you! Let’s start Feeling Better, Looking Better and lose a little bit of weight together, ok?
Click the button and you'll be set!
Andrew Poletto
CFO - Top Fitness Strategies
If you're just wanting to Look Better, Feel Better, and Lose a Bit of Weight, you've come to the right place. In the next 3 minutes of reading this page, you'll know without a doubt if getting this information will inspire you to be healthier or just keep doing what you've been doing. I can confidently say this because of what you'll get....
- Knowledge: To get in better shape by helping you understand different aspects of your health and fitness, especially after the age of 50.
- Audio and Video: You'll be able to hear and watch people who are trained to give you the best advise possible AND walk you through exercises to shape your body the way you would like!
- Answers: To practically any question you may have, or have ever had, about health and fitness through 47 interviews (and counting) by people who are tops in their field!
I've been where you've been. I know it's hard to admit you aren't in the kind of physical shape you want to be in, and I know it's hard to admit you may not know what to do about it. After all, you may have been an athlete in high school or college, right?
Well, a little later I'm going to tell you about what you can do to improve your health, but right now I'm going to tell you about what made this website happen.
Like every other Personal Trainer, I offered my services all around my town. I told people if they trained with me, they would have that beach body they dreamed of, develop that 6 pack abs you see on TV, and be in the best shape they've ever been in.
Then something happened, I got older and the people I was talk to about training were getting older. I soon realized that most older people didn't want to spend 2-3 hours a day in the gym. Most people, as nice as it is, didn't have the time or the gumption to develop that 6-pack or that beach body.
I started hearing phrases like:
“I don't have as much time as I used to for a workout.”
“Why do I want to set a bench press record?”
Ever been in that position?
Then it hit me. All those trainers at the gym, all those TV ads you see had one thing in common, they all had the idea that everyone wanted to be a bikini model, or that James Bond dude coming out of the ocean in swim trunks.
But, did they really? Oh sure, EVERYONE would LIKE it, but not everyone had the drive and desire to do it.
After talking with several people over the age of 45-50, I started hearing the same thoughts and concerns over and over.
“I just want to feel good about myself”
“My doctor said I needed to do some exercise.”
“I'm not 25 years old anymore, I just don't have the desire to workout like I once did”
So, if those concerns were being brought up more often than not, why would any Personal Trainer keep training someone like they were 25 years old? Why would a Trainer want their clients to always spend that much time in the gym? Why do workouts have to be 1-3 hours long?
Then it hit me, and I looked at my life.
If I was over 50 years old, do I live the same way as when I was 25 years old? Do I drive the same car? Do I live in the same house? Do I have the same career? Is my family the same? Am I making the same income now as I did then?
For me, nope.
My life Was Completely Different at Age 50 Than at Age 25.
So, If All Aspects of My Life Were Different,
Why Did I Think I Should Look at My
Health and Fitness as If I Were 25 Years Old?
As I looked around at different Personal Trainers, most of them were acting as if everyone they trained wanted to workout like they did when they were 25 years old, not 50 years old.
Now granted, there is nothing wrong with working out or training like a 25 year old, especially if you want to show off your body on a stage somewhere. I commend and respect people who do that, and I'll be the first to cheer them on!
BUT, and this is something YOU have to think about....
Is that something you are striving to obtain? In your current situation, is that a goal for you? I ask this because in my profession, I haven't ran into many 50 year olds who want to get on a stage to show off their body. They mainly want to get healthier and feel better about themselves.
Is this making sense? Think about this and ask yourself if this is your thought process as well.
So I set out to do something that would:
- 1) Answer any questions about health and fitness people may have, regardless of age, fitness level or health issues.
- 2) Give people the options to do simple exercises and workouts, in their own home if they would like, and not take hours a day to complete.
- 3) Keep things as simple, understandable, and as inexpensive as possible.
I’m telling you this because I want you to know I’ve-been-where-you’ve-been and I’ve-thought-your-same-thoughts.
I Have Talked to a Lot Of People Over 50, Just Like You,
On How to be Healthier and in Better Shape,
By Doing Simple Stuff...the RIGHT WAY.
I’ve spent hours talking to them, understanding what they really wanted to do with their health and fitness, and putting together something that is informative, simple and affordable.
So that was the key, keeping it simple enough for the “over 50” person who has never worked out and still challenging enough for the “former” hard core athlete.
But then I thought, who else can I talk to about doing this? It hit me! I used to interview health and fitness professionals from literally all over the world. The information these folks provided was priceless!
So, I remastered these interviews (47 of them) and made them all available in one place.
Then I thought, how could I teach and demonstrate basic exercises, without the aid of gym equipment, to folks who want to do them. Duh!!!!... VIDEOS! Heck, I've been working out at home for YEARS and I've been talking and writing about it. Time to demonstrate it as well!
Since I already had the website Top Fitness Strategies where I offer online services, why not concentrate on providing TONS of content for people who want it all in one place. So, the TFS Fitness Insider Program was born!
Here's what's in the TFS Fitness Insider Program :
1) Downloadable podcast interviews from just about any health and fitness subject you can think of.
2) Dozens of “how to” exercise videos so you know how to workout at home.
3) Continual updates of information and demonstrations.
All it takes from you is a little effort, a little time, and a desire to get healthier.
I truly believe you have the desire to get healthier, or you wouldn't still be reading this. I also believe that “not having the time to be healthier” is just an excuse because if you have the desire, finding the time is actually pretty easy.
Which leaves only one thing.....EFFORT!
Let me ask you this…You’ve come to this page for a reason, right? You’ve come here to learn how look better, feel better and lose a little weight, right? Will you? Will you put forth the effort to do so?
I can hear it now, “I’ve already looked into doing workouts. I've used a personal trainer, I have a gym membership, I've tried the latest diets and workout fads, nothing seems to work.”
I’ll tell you why things may not have worked before, because you’ve never had it presented to you in an easy to understand way. People tend to complicate things in the fitness world, and things don't have to be!
It’s as Simple as Throwing a Baseball.
I used this analogy once when I was doing a training session and it made perfect sense, so I’ll use it here as well.
Remember the movie “Bull Durham”? The part where the coach got really mad at the players and started yelling at them: “This is a simple game…you throw the ball; you catch the ball and you hit the ball!”
What he was saying is to keep things simple and remember the basics.
Being a TFS Fitness Insider will keep this simple for you. Just catch the ball, throw the ball and hit the ball. That’s it! Does that make sense?
If you don’t keep this health and fitness stuff simple, you'll never keep doing it!
If you don’t catch the ball, you’ll never turn a double play. Get it?
Here's an example of how simple I make things for you. Here's a sample video of what's inside:
This information is not just from me, it's years of experience from some of the top health and fitness folks from around the world. It’s all right here waiting for you to take it, play with it and develop it in your own way.
This Isn't About Fancy New Diets.
This Isn't About The Lastest 3 Minute Flat Stomach Gizmo.
It’s about simple, understandable steps you can take to get your health back to a place where you'll be happy with yourself again!
So, if you’re like dozens of others I've talked to, all you're looking for is something you can do on your own, in your own way, in your own time.
You can hire the best personal trainer in the country. You can buy the best high tech workout machine out there. You can download the most awesome motivational speaker's seminar. You can get on the latest diet craze. But.....
No matter how good that trainer is, no matter how high tech that machine is, no matter how good that speaker makes you feel, no matter what you eat for that diet, when the dust clears, what has to happen? You have to put in the EFFORT! You have to DO IT!
Have you ever heard that saying, “When is the best time to plant a tree? 10 years ago! When is the second best time to plant a tree, TODAY!”
Ten Years Ago Has Passed,
Today Is The Next Best Time To Do
Something For Yourself
Oh yes, I can hear it now, “Andrew, how much is all this stuff going to cost me?”
Let’s put this into a financial perspective, shall we?
You can go to a personal trainer, do 1-3 sessions a week with that trainer, and then sign up for more sessions. Most trainers I know charge a MINIMUM $50/hour. So, 3 sessions a week is $150.00. That’s $600.00 a month!
Oh, but you’re trainer gives you a break, you get the “buy one get one free” training plan. Great, so you’re only paying $300.00 a month. Whoop Whoop!
But wait, you live in a small town where trainers don’t charge as much, you only have to pay $150.00 a month for that ONE trainer! Good for you!
Oh, what about that gym membership? The gyms around my town cost $30/month, which does NOT come with a personal trainer.
Can you hire me to come train you? Oh sure, I can come to you, no problem. You’ll just have to pay for my flight, room, meals and time. Which I’ll be happy to do for you. But you can also invest to be a TFS Fitness Insider and get me and a whole bunch of others, virtually teaching and training you in the comfort of your own home for a fraction of that cost….$10 a month!
What! Are you kidding me! That’s it! Only $10 a month?
If that price is making you hesitate, then you may need this more than ever!
Think about it, for the price of two moca-loca-freddo-cheddo coffees (oh, and don’t forget the extra-grande-mande size), you’ll be virtually trained by some of the best health and fitness pros on the planet!
Heck, if you really think about it, you have to pay about $10 for most burgers fries and a drink (diet of course), right? Could you skip that meal one time a month to work on your health and fitness?
Is that worth $10 a month? Only you can decide.
So tell me, where in the world can you get this? Nowhere that I know of. Wait, I take that back, you can get it right here!
One thing I will promise, after reading this you can NO LONGER say you don't know how to get healthier. You can NO LONGER say you don't have the time to get healthier. You can NO LONGER say you can't afford a trainer or a gym membership. You'll be lieing to yourself (and possibly your family) if you did say anything like that.
Go ahead and go for it, I give you permission to do so.
So, let's recap what you'll get by being a TFS Fitness Insider:
- 47(and counting)downloadable, mp3 file interviews by health and fitness professionals on weight loss, muscle building, healthy eating, strength, fibromyalgia, diets, muscle toning, body shaping, mindset and much more!
- 50 (and counting) videos demonstrating “can do at home or away” exercises and workouts.
- Access to your very own VPT (Virtual Personal Trainer)
- Plus more stuff being added every month.
AS A BONUS, I'll give you an interview I did with a leader in nutrition and raw food world. This interview is selling for $23 on Top Fitness Strategies, but you'll get it FREE!
BONUS #2: A PDF download titled “Basic Exercises to Get You Started”. If you want a basic-you-can-do-right-now workout to follow, this is it!
BONUS #3: A complimentary 15 minute consultation with me! (a $50 value)
I’m so convinced that being a TFS Fitness Insider will benefit your health and fitness, there is NO CONTRACT! That’s right, most trainers make you commit to a 10 session contract with them, whether you like them or not, whether you benefit or not or whether you do it or not.
Not me, not at Top Fitness Strategies.
If, after one month, you don’t get your fill from all 47 (and counting) interviews, from the 50 (and counting) exercise videos, from the motivational support, you can cancel and no questions asked.
You think that’s worth the $10? Is it worth the extra frothy-dothy-coffee? Is it worth the burger, fries and drink (diet of course) lunch? Only you can decide.
I'll even do you one BETTER! Get it NOW and I'll GIVE you 2 FREE MONTHS, if you get the yearly payment option for $97! Click which option you would like below.
I’ll be waiting for you! Let’s start Feeling Better, Looking Better and lose a little bit of weight together, ok?
Click the button and you'll be set!
Andrew Poletto
CFO - Top Fitness Strategies

This is some of the equipment I train with: dumbbells, resistance bands, chairs and yoga mat
This is some of the equipment I train with: dumbbells, resistance bands, chairs and yoga mat

Here are some of the interviews you'll hear:
- Katie Cates Wife, mother, fitness. Finding the Time.
- Darcy Cupp. Fitness Competitor and Mother of 6 Kids.
- Coach Red - VPT Booty Call TWO interviews! “butts and guts”
- Niko. No Excuse Fitness
- Colin DeWaay. Muscle Strength / Fat Loss Myths.
- Jeremy Reid. “before and after” body transformation.
- Brad Guthro. Live Lean TV
But Wait! There's More!
- Shari Fitness. Transformation Over 40
- Gregg. Czech Republic. Fit Model Workout Program.
- Lully Gara. Ironman Athlete & Bikini Competitor, and mother of 3 children.
- Hit Richards. Calisthetic Kingz. Natural Body Weight Resistance.
- Ed. BarStarzz - Body Weight Efficiency.
- JC Deen. Look Great Naked 365. Complete Body Training.
- Karen McCoy. Women's Fitness, weight lifting, drug free. “One Rep At A Time”
Can You Believe All This Great Stuff!
- Tony Hale (TC Hale). Natural health and weight loss. “Kick Your Fat In The Nuts”.
- Natilie Jill. Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss. Celiac Sprew (auto immune)
- Rob Greenefield. “Dude Making A Difference”. Fitness, health, inspiration, dumpster diving, bike across America.
- Rusty Moore. “Fitness Black Book”. Bulky vs. Lean
- Chef Todd. Cooking made easy.
- MaryAnn Allen. Frugal Chef. 400 cookbooks, mother of 5. Organize and save money.
- Kristine Fretwell. “Busy but Healthy”
Yup, There's Still More!
- Erin Kuh. Nutritionist. Eat to be healthy.
- Sue Ingebretson. Fibromialgia.
- Diedre Rawlings. Fibromialgia.
- Dan McDonald. Raw Food.
- Tim Arndt. Fitness Science. Physics & Exercise.
Plus EVEN More!
Here are some of the interviews you'll hear:
- Katie Cates Wife, mother, fitness. Finding the Time.
- Darcy Cupp. Fitness Competitor and Mother of 6 Kids.
- Coach Red - VPT Booty Call TWO interviews! “butts and guts”
- Niko. No Excuse Fitness
- Colin DeWaay. Muscle Strength / Fat Loss Myths.
- Jeremy Reid. “before and after” body transformation.
- Brad Guthro. Live Lean TV
But Wait! There's More!
- Shari Fitness. Transformation Over 40
- Gregg. Czech Republic. Fit Model Workout Program.
- Lully Gara. Ironman Athlete & Bikini Competitor, and mother of 3 children.
- Hit Richards. Calisthetic Kingz. Natural Body Weight Resistance.
- Ed. BarStarzz - Body Weight Efficiency.
- JC Deen. Look Great Naked 365. Complete Body Training.
- Karen McCoy. Women's Fitness, weight lifting, drug free. “One Rep At A Time”
Can You Believe All This Great Stuff!
- Tony Hale (TC Hale). Natural health and weight loss. “Kick Your Fat In The Nuts”.
- Natilie Jill. Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss. Celiac Sprew (auto immune)
- Rob Greenefield. “Dude Making A Difference”. Fitness, health, inspiration, dumpster diving, bike across America.
- Rusty Moore. “Fitness Black Book”. Bulky vs. Lean
- Chef Todd. Cooking made easy.
- MaryAnn Allen. Frugal Chef. 400 cookbooks, mother of 5. Organize and save money.
- Kristine Fretwell. “Busy but Healthy”
Yup, There's Still More!
- Erin Kuh. Nutritionist. Eat to be healthy.
- Sue Ingebretson. Fibromialgia.
- Diedre Rawlings. Fibromialgia.
- Dan McDonald. Raw Food.
- Tim Arndt. Fitness Science. Physics & Exercise.
Plus EVEN More!
Will working out make me bulky? Lifting a few weights here and there will NOT make you bulky! It takes a lot of time and effort to get that bulky look. Working out 3-5 times a week won't get you there.
How much time will it take?
I suggest you workout 3-5 times a week, about 30-45 minutes at a time. Of course, there are always variations of this as well.
Is it easier to get injured at this age? The older get, the easier it is to get injured, that's just nature. BUT, the fitter and healthier you are, the less likely it will be to get injured.
Where can I do my workouts?
The workouts here are designed to do anywhere. At home or in a gym. I, personally, workout at home, I just like it better that way.
What kind of equipment do I need? I like to keep things simple. Mostly body weight, a couple of dumbbells and maybe a set of resistance bands. Can you get more? Sure! Do you need more? Nope.
Do I have to be over 50?
Even though the website says “Fitness Over 50”, the info and workouts are designed for anyone who wants to be healthier than they currently are now.
Will I have to go on a diet?
Diet is the key word here. If you're really wanting to change the way you look, your diet has a LOT to do with it. Going on a diet I don't recommend. Changing your diet habits, that's what I suggest.
Do I need to talk to my Doctor?
I would say YES, talk to your doctor before starting ANY kind of workout program!
Will working out make me bulky? Lifting a few weights here and there will NOT make you bulky! It takes a lot of time and effort to get that bulky look. Working out 3-5 times a week won't get you there.
How much time will it take?
I suggest you workout 3-5 times a week, about 30-45 minutes at a time. Of course, there are always variations of this as well.
Is it easier to get injured at this age? The older get, the easier it is to get injured, that's just nature. BUT, the fitter and healthier you are, the less likely it will be to get injured.
Where can I do my workouts?
The workouts here are designed to do anywhere. At home or in a gym. I, personally, workout at home, I just like it better that way.
What kind of equipment do I need? I like to keep things simple. Mostly body weight, a couple of dumbbells and maybe a set of resistance bands. Can you get more? Sure! Do you need more? Nope.
Do I have to be over 50?
Even though the website says “Fitness Over 50”, the info and workouts are designed for anyone who wants to be healthier than they currently are now.
Will I have to go on a diet?
Diet is the key word here. If you're really wanting to change the way you look, your diet has a LOT to do with it. Going on a diet I don't recommend. Changing your diet habits, that's what I suggest.
Do I need to talk to my Doctor?
I would say YES, talk to your doctor before starting ANY kind of workout program!